<< CopTes
"Guide to collecting - Italian Fishing Reels"
by Silvano Baraldi (2nd book / 2007)

In 1972 CopTes took over the ZANGI plant, in Challant street in Turin, and with it its glorious brand and all the production of reels that was to be continued for another ten years.
The same company, in 1975 also acquired ALCEDO, thus transferring the production of fishing reels with the "Martin Pescatore" (Alcedo Atthis) until 1982, from via Tempio Pausania to the warehouses in via Challant.
The word CopTes is constructed with the three initial letters of the surnames of the two founding members: COPPOLA Giovanni and TESSA Silvio.

Giovanni Coppola proprietario della società CopTes

I met Mr. Giovanni Coppola in 1999 (in the photo), when I went to Turin, looking for what could have been left of ALCEDO, meeting the owner of Carpenteria Coppola, which is still based in the Velio Zangirolami plant ( former owner of the Zangi company).
I went back to see him many other times and every time he told me anecdotes and curious details related to the period of production of Italian fishing reels together with Mr. Silvio Tessa, which I never had the honor to meet.
He told me that, in 1973, in Turin he met the Chief Manager of JOHNSON'S, the multinational of detergents and other products for the home and personal hygiene.
The administrator JOHNSON'S wanted to visit the whole company, totally unknown to him but who had the privilege of building his favorite spinning reel: the "ORVIS 100A".

Orvis 100A e 101A

On that occasion the COPTES really risked becoming American; in fact, the visit ended with a millionaire offer that, with difficulty and some regret, Coppola refused.
Initially the company continued to build the same models of fishing reels of Zangi, leaving them the same brand and the same color.
The most common fishing reels of the COPTES still have the grey body (body case) and the light blue rotor (rotation head).
Other fishing reels, of the "Pelican" series, keep the body (body case) of green color and the cream colored impeller; this coloration, after 1975, will also affect all the models produced by Alcedo.
In 1976, however, the entire range of fishing reels of the former Zangi had a brown body (body case) and a cream-colored rotating head (impeller).
Other two-color very beautiful paintings, are rarer and concern few specimens.

Silvano Baraldi - Aprile 2018    
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